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Next bit towards the start done. Leaving Altenahr, via Belgium, France to the Dover ferry. Had a quick visit to Bruxelles. Including the famous Maneken Pis and a beer close to it, which tasted exactly like the statue´s last name... and the Atomium
Arriving in Folkestone, we learned also England has cities without beer. At least after midnight. Also got the news about the disaster in Turkey. Let´s hope that the situation calms down until next week. Otherwise our plans would be jeopardized.





Comment (56) Hits: 7702

Day 1. After months of ineffective preparation finally the start for 17000km of mayhem. Even the first night in the car showed us that we can make it without tent. Great show from the mongolian  wrestlers led directly into the start  with a round of honor on the goodwood circuit. After the start we prepared our own brexit and finally reached the European mainland. Now we are a bit easr of Brüssel in the middle of nowhere, of course no before tasting Belgium beer

Comment (31) Hits: 5872

3 days to go. We will start in a couple of minutes towards Goodwood. Leaving rainy Bavaria or a weekend trip.

Comment (50) Hits: 13428

First day was mile crunching, end of day in the labyrinth. Preparing now the second half of the trip to the start. Our car simply rocks, another day of relaxed driving in the the truck lane ahead of us

Comment (38) Hits: 15296

We do not have our car prepared, we do not have our passports with the visa, but I think it is important to set preferences, so we got the more important stuff:

Comment (54) Hits: 14028

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